SBI – Department of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics
Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
University of Rostock
Ulmenstrasse 69 | 18057 Rostock
+49 381 498-7571
How to find us
From Rostock main train station, you can take either the city train (S-Bahn) or the tram. The city train takes about 3 minutes to reach "Parkstraße". By tram, take line 4 (direction Mecklenburger Allee) and change at the stop "Doberaner Platz" to line 6 (direction: Neuer Friedhof). Get off at the stop "Parkstraße" and follow the small path leading to the red brick buildings which can be spotted from the S-Bahn/tram station. Entering the campus, you will find Haus 3 on the left-hand side. Another option is to take tram line 6 (direction Neuer Friedhof) directly at the main train station to "Parkstraße". Although this route is more time consuming, it allows some nice sightseeing around the city centre.
A click on the following map opens OpenStreetMap with the SBI highlighted at the center (© OpenStreetMap contributors, data is licensed under the ODbL, cartography is licensed as CC BY-SA).

Rostock is connected to Gedser (Denmark), Trelleborg (Schweden) and Helsinki (Finnland) by ferries. From the harbor you can reach Rostock main station by train (S-Bahn).

You can reach Rostock from all over Germany or neighboring countries by train.
We recommend coming via Hamburg: From Hamburg Airport, the city train S-Bahn takes you to the central train station in about 25 minutes. Upon leaving the baggage reclaim area, follow the city train sign (a green round logo with a "S").
You can purchase the tickets from Hamburg ("Airport") to Rostock ("Hauptbahnhof", Hbf) via Deutsche Bahn or directly through ticket machines at the airport.
There are two types of trains from Hamburg main train station to Rostock: Regional Express (RE) and Intercity (IC) trains. The former are about 20min slower and less comfortable. If you book online you can purchase an open economy IC ticket. It is slightly more expensive but you can take any train at any time.

There are five airports located in the region around Rostock: Hamburg, Berlin Schönefeld, Berlin Tegel, Lübeck and Rostock Laage. Having arrived at the Airport please refer to our train pages for further information. From the airports you can reach Rostock main station by train, from the airport in Rostock Laage there is a shuttle bus.