SBI – Department of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics
Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
University of Rostock
Ulmenstrasse 69 | 18057 Rostock
+49 381 498-7571
Recent technological and methodological developments in the biological- and medical-sciences, in the biotech- and pharma-industries enable us to gain a better understanding of the genetic origins and molecular processes that are at the root of development and disease. The areas of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics exemplify the way traditional scientific and engineering disciplines are being transformed to face the challenges arising from the revolutionary developments in the life sciences.
Systems Biology is an integrative approach that investigates inter- and intra-cellular networks through mathematical modelling and simulation. The nonlinear and highly complex nature of biological systems requires an interdisciplinary approach, combining tools and methods from fields like physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, medicine and the engineering sciences. Modelling and analyzing the interplay of different proteins helps to understand the rules that govern cell behaviour like proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis.
The area of Bioinformatics is concerned with the analysis of biological information; providing tools and techniques for the interpretation of data. A major challenge is the integration and interpretation of biological data that are generated by a range of technologies including, for example, DNA and protein sequences; gene/protein expression data from microarrays or gene-chips; changes in the proteome assessed through immunoblotting or 2D gels; or protein peptide masses obtained from mass spectrometry. The analysis of gene information within a genome; comparisons between genome sequences; and structural properties of proteins provide information about gene/protein interaction networks underlying basic cell functions.
Our courses offer a solid basis for jobs in industry and academia, covering fundamental techniques in data analysis, mathematical modelling and simulation. You will be able to join interdisciplinary and international teams in what is widely considered the most important research field - life sciences. Our courses are especially well suited as part of the degrees Computer Sciences, Computational Engineering and Medical Biotechnology, see special information for the Masters Programmes. If you are interested to participate, have a look at our teaching philosophy.