SBI – Department of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics
Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
University of Rostock
Ulmenstrasse 69 | 18057 Rostock
+49 381 498-7571

Computational Biology of Non-Coding RNA (Edition 2)
Lai X, Gupta SK, Vera J

Inflammation Resolution and Chronic Diseases
Tripathi A, Dwivedi A, Gupta S, Poojan S (eds.)
ISBN 13 (print): 978-981-97-0156-8
ISBN 13 (online): 978-981-97-0157-5
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-97-0157-5

Systems Biology of MicroRNAs in Cancer (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 1385, Band 1385)
Schmitz U, Wolkenhauer O, Vera-González J

Systems Medicine - Integrative, Qualitative, and Computational Approaches
Wolkenhauer O (Editor-in-Chief)
Academic Press 2020
ISBN 13 (online): 978-0-12-816078-7

Computational Biology of Non-Coding RNA
Lai X, Gupta SK, Vera J (eds.)
Springer (2019), part of the Methods in Molecular Biology book series (MIMB, volume 1912)

Systems Medicine
Schmitz U, Wolkenhauer O, (eds.)
Springer (2016), Series Title Methods in Molecular Biology
ISBN 13 (print): 9781493932825
ISBN 13 (online): 9781493932832

MicroRNA Cancer Regulation - Advanced Concepts, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Tools
Schmitz U, Wolkenhauer O, Vera J (eds.)
Series: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 774
Springer 2012.
ISBN 13 (print): 9789400755895

Nich lang schnacken - Ein plattdeutsches Konversationshandbuch
Wolkenhauer O
Quickborn-Verlag 2012.
ISBN 10 (print): 3876513774
ISBN 13 (print): 9783876513775

Encyclopedia of Systems Biology
Dubitzky W, Wolkenhauer O, Yokata H, Cho K-H (eds.)
Springer 2013.
ISBN 13 (print): 9781441998620

Stochastic Approaches for Systems Biology
Ullah M, Wolkenhauer O
ISBN 10 (print): 1461404770
Amazon: Buy it now
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- Matlab files (includes .m scripts and functions, and .mat data files; file names are the same as used in the book. For example, the function make2MA on page 174 is listed in the archive as make2MA.m . The scripts in the archive can be looked for understanding how to use various functions mentioned in the book.)
- Cain files (includes .xml and .svg files produced with
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Systems Biology
Wolkenhauer O, Wellstead P, Cho KH (eds.)
Portland Press (Essays in Biochemistry Series), 2008
ISBN 10 (print): 1855781700

Data Engineering: Fuzzy Mathematics in System Theory and Data Analysis
Wolkenhauer O
John Wiley and Sons 2001.
ISBN 10 (print): 0471416568

Possibility Theory with Applications to Data Analysis
Wolkenhauer O
Research Studies Press 1998.
ISBN 10 (print): 086380229X
Chapters in Books

A Current Perspective of Medical Informatics Developments for a Clinical Translation of (Non-coding)RNAs and Single-Cell Technologies
Baumann A, Ahmadi N, Wolfien M
Springer (2025), chapter in Computational Biology of Non-Coding RNA (editors: Lai X, Gupta S, Vera Gonzalez J). Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2883.
ISBN 13 (print): 978-107-16-4289-4
ISBN 13 (online): 978-107-16-4290-0
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-4290-0_2

Mechanistic Understanding of Inflammation Resolution Using the Atlas of Inflammation Resolution (AIR)
Müller RLJ, Cavallo C, Gupta SS, Hoch M, Gupta S
In: Tripathi, A., Dwivedi, A., Gupta, S., Poojan, S. (eds) Inflammation Resolution and Chronic Diseases. Springer, Singapore.
ISBN 13 (print): 978-981-97-0156-8
ISBN 13 (online): 978-981-97-0157-5
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-97-0157-5_13

Mechanistic Understanding of Inflammation Resolution Using the Atlas of Inflammation Resolution (AIR)
Müller RLJ, Cavallo C, Gupta SS, Hoch M, Gupta S
In: Tripathi, A., Dwivedi, A., Gupta, S., Poojan, S. (eds) Inflammation Resolution and Chronic Diseases. Springer, Singapore.
ISBN 13 (print): 978-981-97-0156-8
ISBN 13 (online): 978-981-97-0157-5
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-97-0157-5_13

Are Multi-Component Drugs Better in Resolving the Inflammation Compared to the Single-Component Drugs?
Cavallo C, Hoch M, Gupta S
In: Tripathi, A., Dwivedi, A., Gupta, S., Poojan, S. (eds) Inflammation Resolution and Chronic Diseases. Springer, Singapore.
ISBN 13 (print): 978-981-97-0156-8
ISBN 13 (online): 978-981-97-0157-5
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-97-0157-5_10

Inflammation Resolution Mediators: Future Prospects
Müller RLJ, Hoch M, Gupta S
In: Tripathi, A., Dwivedi, A., Gupta, S., Poojan, S. (eds) Inflammation Resolution and Chronic Diseases. Springer, Singapore.
ISBN 13 (print): 9789819701568
ISBN 13 (online): 9789819701575
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-97-0157-5_9

Wolkenhauer O, Gebhardt T.
In: Bioanalytik; Kurreck J, Engels JW, Lottspeich Fr (Eds), Springer 2022, 1145 - 1153
ISBN 13 (print): 978-3-662-61706-9

Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Procedures and Data Analysis
Wolfien M, David R, Galow AM
Exon Publications, Brisbane, Australia (2021), chapter in Bioinformatics.
ISBN 13 (online): 978-0-6450017-1-6
DOI: 10.36255/exonpublications.bioinformatics.2021.ch2

Network Biology Approaches in Ophthalmological Diseases: A Case Study of Glaucoma
Choudhari JK, Chatterjee T, Gupta SK, Garcia-Garcia JG, Vera J
In Systems Medicine: Integrative, qualitative and computational approaches (2020)

Envisioning the Application of Systems Biology in Cancer Immunology
Jaitly T, Gupta SK, Wolkenhauer O, Schuler G, Vera J
In: Rezaei N. (eds) Cancer Immunology. Springer, Cham. (2020)
ISBN 13 (print): 978-3-030-30844-5
ISBN 13 (online): 978-3-030-30845-2
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-30845-2_27

Data Management in Computational Systems Biology: Exploring Standards, Tools, Databases, and Packaging Best Practices
Scharm M, Stanford NJ, Dobson PD et al.
Springer (2019), chapter in Yeast Systems Biology.
Methods in Molecular Biology.
ISBN 10 (online): 978-1-4939-9736-7
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-9736-7_17

Tools for Understanding miRNA–mRNA Interactions for Reproducible RNA Analysis
Bagnacani A, Wolfien M, Wolkenhauer O
Springer (2019), chapter in Computational Biology of Non-Coding RNA. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1912.

Workflow Development for the Functional Characterization of ncRNAs
Wolfien M, Brauer DL, Bagnacani A, Wolkenhauer O
Springer (2019), chapter in Computational Biology of Non-Coding RNA. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1912.

Applications of genome-scale metabolic models and data integration in systems medicine
Salehzadeh-Yazdi A, Wolfien M, Wolkenhauer O
Nova (2019), chapter in Focus on Systems Theory Research
ISBN 13 (online): 9781536145618

Integrative workflow for network analysis
Faiz M. Khan, Shailendra K. Gupta, Olaf Wolkenhauer

A Network-Based Integrative Workflow to Unravel Mechanisms Underlying Disease Progression.
Khan FM, Sadeghi M, Gupta SK, Wolkenhauer O

From Microscopes to Macroscopes: Advancing Biomedical Research Through Systems Approaches
Olaf Wolkenhauer
Chapter in Philosophy of Systems Biology (Springer)
Part of the series History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences pp 257-265

Biochemical pathway modeling tools for drug target detection in Cancer and other complex diseases
Marin-Sanguino A, Gupta SK, Voit EO, Vera J
In Michael Johnson editor: Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 487,
Burlington: Academic Press, 2010, pp 319-370.

Third-Kind Encounters in Biomedicine: Immunology Meets Mathematics and Informatics to Become Quantitative and Predictive
Eberhardt M, Lai X, Tomar N, Gupta SK, Schmech B, Steinkasserer A, Schuler G, Vera J
In: Systems Medicine, Methods in Molecular Biology (2016) 1386: 135-179.
Published by Springer.
ISBN 13 (print): 9781493932825

Network-Assisted Disease Classification and Biomarker Discovery
S. Strunz, O. Wolkenhauer, A. de la Fuente
In Springer (2016), Systems Medicine, pp 353-374
ISBN 13 (print): 9781493932825
ISBN 13 (online): 9781493932832

RNA Systems Biology for Cancer: From Diagnosis to Therapy
R. Amirkhah, A. Farazmand, O. Wolkenhauer, U. Schmitz
In Springer (2016), Systems Medicine, pp 305-330
ISBN 13 (print): 9781493932825
ISBN 13 (online): 9781493932832

Mehrebenensysteme in der Systembiologie
Theile T, Wolkenhauer O
Wissenschaft und Kunst der Modellierung. De Gruyter 2015.

Envisioning the Application of Systems Biology in Cancer
J.Vera, S.Gupta, O.Wolkenhauer, G.Schuler (2015)
In Cancer Immunology, N.Rezaei (ed.), 429-449, Springer 2015
ISBN 13 (print): 9783662440063

Explanation and Organizing Principles in Systems Biology
T.Breidenmoser, O.Wolkenhauer (2015)
In Explanation in Biology, P-A Braillard, C Malaterre (eds), 249-264, Springer 2015
ISBN 13 (print): 9789401798228

Mehrebenensysteme in der Biomedizin
T.Theile, O.Wolkenhauer (2015)
In Wissenschaft und Kunst der Modellierung, B.Thalheim, I.Nissen (eds), 455-474, De Gruyter 2015
ISBN 13 (print): 9781501510403

Modelle und ihre Befragbarkeit als Grundlage biomedizinischer Erkenntnis
Wolkenhauer, O
Erwägen-Wissen-Ethik. Vol 26 Nr 3 (2015), 420-422

Cancer Systems Biology: Current Achievements in – Omics Data Analysis, Network Reconstruction and Mathematical Modelling
Vera J, Wolkenhauer O, Schmitz U (2014)
In: eLS. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester.

Reproducibility of model-based results in systems biology
D Waltemath, R Henkel, F Winter, O Wolkenhauer
In: Systems Biology: Integrative Biology and Simulation Tools 1, pp 301-320. Prokop A, Csukas B (eds) Springer (2013)

Interdisciplinarity as both necessity and hurdle for progress in the life sciences
Wolkenhauer O, Hofmeyr J (2013)
in: Andersen H, Dieks D, Gonzales WJ, Uebel T, Wheeler G, eds.
New Challenges to Philosophy of Science - The Philosophy of Science in a European perspective 4. Springer Verlag, 2013, 225-235

Modeling Colorectal Cancer: A Stability Analysis Approach
Nikolow S, Ullah M, Nenov M, Gonzales JV, Raasch P, Wolkenhauer O
in: Medical Advancements in Aging and Regenerative Technologies; Daskalaki A
Clinical Tools and Applications: 53-75
IGI Global 2013

Modelling Molecular Processes by Individual-Based Simulations Applied to Actin Polymerisation
Pauleweit S, Nebe BJ, Wolkenhauer O
in: Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications; Nuno P, Janusz K, Joaquim F (eds.); series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing.
ISBN 13 (print): 9783642343353

The pH-induced metabolic shift from acidogenesis to solventogenesis in Clostridium acetobutylicum - From experiments to models
Millat T, Janssen H, Bahl H, Fischer R-J, Wolkenhauer O
in: Proceedings of the 5th Internation ESCEC Symposium on "Experimental Standard Conditions of Enzyme Characterization", Kettner, C (ed.); Logos Verlag Berlin 2013.
ISBN 13 (print): 9783832533670

Computational microRNA biology
Schmitz U, Vera J
in: Encyclopedia of Systems Biology; Dubitzky W, Wolkenhauer O, Yokata H, Cho K-H (eds.); Springer 2012.
ISBN 13 (print): 9781441998620

Mathematical modelling of the pH-induced metabolic shift in Clostridium acetobutylicum
Millat T, Haus S, Wolkenhauer O
in: Systems Biology of Clostridium acetobutylicum, Dürre P (ed.), Imperial College Press, 2014, 103-130.
ISBN 13 (print): 9781783264407

Bifurcation Analysis of a Model Accounting for the 14-3-3s Signalling Compartmentalisation
Nikolov S, Vera J, Wolkenhauer O
in: Quality Assurance in Healthcare Service Delivery, Nursing, and Personalized Medicine: Technologies and Processes. Lazakidou A, Daskalaki A (eds.); Medical Information Science Reference 2011.
ISBN 10 (print): 161350120X

Bioinformatics Analysis of High-Throughput Experiments
Gupta S, Schmitz U
in: Recent Trends in Biotechnology. Volume 2; Singh M P, Agrawal A, Sharma B (eds.); Nova Science Publishers 2011.
ISBN 13 (print): 9781617617973

Modeling of Cellular Processes: Methods, Data, and Requirements
Millat T, Wolkenhauer O, Fischer, RJ, Bahl, H
in: Data Mining in Proteomics; Hamacher M, Eisenacher M, Stephan C (eds.); Springer 2011.
ISBN 13 (print): 9781607019864

Modelling miRNA regulation in cancer signalling systems: miR-34a regulation of the p53/Sirt1 signalling module
Lai X, Wolkenhauer O, Vera J
in: Computational Modelling of Signalling Networks; Liu X, Betterton M (eds.); Humana 2012.
ISBN 13 (print): 9781617798230

Qualitative Uncertainty Models using Random Set Theory
Wolkenhauer O
in: Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis; Liu X, Cohen P, Berthold M (eds.); Springer LNCS 1280, 1997.
ISBN 10 (print): 3540633464

Interferon-g stimulated STAT1 signalling: from experimental data to a predictive mathematical model
Rateitschak K, Jaster R, Wolkenhauer O
in: Proceedings of the 4th International Beilstein Symposium on Experimental Standard Conditions of Enzyme Characterizations; Hicks MG , Kettner C (eds.); Logos Berlin 2010.
ISBN 13 (print): 9783832526067

Quantifying properties of cell signaling cascades
Frey S, Wolkenhauer O, Millat T
in: Control Theory and Systems Biology; Iglesias P A, Ingalls B (eds.); MIT press 2009.
ISBN 13 (print): 9780262013345

Methods in In Silico Biology: Modeling Feedback and Dynamics
Wolkenhauer O, Wellstead P
in: Systems Biology for Drug Discovery and Development; Young D, Michelson S (eds); Wiley 2011.
ISBN 13 (print): 9780470261231

The Complexity of Cell-Biological Systems
Wolkenhauer O, Muir A
in: Philosophy of Complex Systems Vol. 10; 345-385; Hooker CA (ed.); series: Handbook of the Philosophy of Science; North-Holland 2011.
ISBN 13 (print): 9780444520760

Reverse Engineering of Biological Networks
Assmus HE, Boldt S, Wolkenhauer O
in: Methods in Bioengineering: Systems Analysis of Biological Networks; Jayaraman A, Hahn J (eds.); Artech House 2009.
ISBN 13 (print): 9781596934061

Enriching biotechnology with recent bioinformatics tools and protocols
Gupta SK, Smita S, Rahman Q
in: Recent trends in Biotechnology; Singh MP, Agrawal A, Sharma B (eds.); Nova Science Publishers Inc. 2011.
ISBN 13 (print): 9781608761487

Case study in systematic modelling: Thiamine uptake in Yeast S. cerevisiae, book chapter, Essays
Ericsson A, Mojzita D, Schmidt H, Hohmann S
In: Biochemistry - Systems Biology, Portland Press, accepted (2008)

Systems and Control Theory for Medical Systems Biology
Wellstead P, Sreenath S, Cho KH, Wolkenhauer O
in: Handbook of Research on Systems Biology Applications in Medicine; A. Daskalak (ed.); IGI Publishers; November 2008.
ISBN 10 (print): 1605660760

A system biology approach to understand functional activity of cell communication systems
Vera J, Wolkenhauer O
in: Methods in Nano Cell Biology; Ramaswamy B (ed.); Elsevier 2008.
ISBN 13 (print): 9781597492706

A plea for more theory in molecular biology
Wolkenhauer O, Mesarovic M, Wellstead P
In: Systems Biology - Applications and Perspectives; Bringmann P, Butcher EC, Parry P, Weiss B (eds.); Springer 2007.
ISBN 13 (print): 9783540313380

A power-law model to describe the dynamics of the JAK2-STAT5 signalling pathway
Vera J, Bachmann J, Pfeifer AC, Hormiga JA, Torres Darias NV, Klingmüller U, Wolkenhauer O
in: Understanding and Exploiting Systems Biology in Bioprocesses and Biomedicine; Cánovas M, Iborra JL, Manjón A (eds.); Fundacion Cajamurcia 2006.
ISBN 13 (print): 9788461111350

Identification of enzyme targets in metabolic diseases by modelling and optimisation. The case of hyperuricemia in humans
Vera J, Torres NV, Curto R, Cascante M
in: Understanding and Exploiting Systems Biology in Bioprocesses and Biomedicine; Cánovas M, Iborra JL, Manjón A (eds.); Fundacion Cajamurcia 2006.
ISBN 13 (print): 9788461111350

Bifurcation threshold in the MAPK cascade is independent of the Hill coefficient
Rateitschak K, Kschischo M
in: Irreversible Prozesse und Selbstorganisation; Pöschel ET, Malchow H, Schimansky-Geier L (eds.); Logos Verlag Berlin 2006.
ISBN 13 (print): 9783832513504

All Models are Wrong
Wolkenhauer O, Ullah M
in: Systems Biology - Philosophical Foundations; Boogard F, Bruggeman F, Hofmeyr J, Westerhoff H (eds.); Elsevier 2006.
ISBN 10 (print): 0444520856

Mathematical Systems Biology: Genomic Cybernetics
Wolkenhauer O, Kolch W, Cho KH
in: Computations in Cells and Tissues: Perspectives and Tools of Thought; Paton R (ed.); Springer 2004.
ISBN 10 (print): 3540003584

Mathematical Modelling of the Influence of RKIP on the ERK Signalling Pathway
Cho HH, Shin SY, Kim HW, Wolkenhauer O, McFerran B, Kolch W
in: Computational Methods in Systems Biology; Priami C (ed.); Springer 2003.
ISBN 10 (print): 3540006052

Fuzzy Clustering of Short Time-Series and Unevenly Distributed Sampling Points
Moeller-Levet C S, Klawonn F, Cho K H, Wolkenhauer O
In: Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis V; Berthold MR, Lenz HJ, Bradley E, Kruse R, Borgelt C (eds.); Springer 2003.
ISBN 10 (print): 3540408134

Information Fusion in Genomics: Qualitative vs Quantitative
Wolkenhauer O
in: Data Fusion and Perception; Della Riccia G, Lenz HJ, Kruse R (eds.); Springer 2001.
ISBN 10 (print): 3211836837

Random-Sets: Theory and Applications
Nunez-Garcia J, Wolkenhauer O
in: Granular Computing: An Emerging Paradigm; Pedrycz W (ed.); Springer 2001.
ISBN 10 (print): 3790813877