SBI – Department of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics
Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
University of Rostock
Ulmenstrasse 69 | 18057 Rostock
+49 381 498-7571
Overview of courses delivered by the Department of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics:
Data Science with Python
Digitalisation and the widespread use of information technologies in all areas of our life, are generating data not only in unprecedented quantities but also domains that were unthinkable only a few years ago. With the fairly recent development of algorithms for deep convoluted neural networks, deep learning and artificial intelligence are penetrating all aspects of our life. Autonomous cars are no longer science fiction but a reality. Whether we like it, or not, machine learning techniques will become relevant to most areas in science and industry.
With this seminar, you can learn the terminology, methodologies and tools used for machine learning or data science in general. You should learn how to define a problem, how to prepare data, how to evaluate algorithms, how to improve data analysis workflows and how to present and visualise results. We don’t want you to just prepare a text and presentation by searching the Internet for material. Instead, we want you to experiment and code, preparing the report as a documentation of your data analysis.
You find below a link to a seminar description with ‘case studies’, from which each student selects one. The goal of the seminar is to prepare a Jupyter notebook using Python to analyse the data and describe the data and their analysis in the style of a scientific report.
We do not expect any prior experience with Python. Instead, the seminar is an opportunity to learn Python and Jupyiter notebooks.
Open the detailed course description as a PDF file.
BioSystems Modelling and Simulation (Summer semester)
This course is an introduction to the interdisciplinary research fields of systems biology and bioinformatics. The course will focus on applications and case studies in the life sciences, applying basic techniques and tools for data analysis, mathematical modelling and computational simulations in molecular and cell biology.
In winter semester, this course is taught in an almost identical format under the title "Modelling and Simulation with Application to the Life Sciences" (Module 23120). Only one exam in either course is permitted. No prior knowledge of biological topics is necessary but familiarity with basic concepts from applied mathematics is expected.
Modelling and Simulation with Application to the Life Sciences (Winter semester)
This course is an introduction to the interdisciplinary research field of systems biology; combining systems theory with applications to biological systems. Using experimental data and information from biological databases, systems biology investigates networks of biochemical reactions that are underlying the functioning of living cells and disease mechanisms. This course introduces basic techniques for mathematical modelling and computational simulations of nonlinear dynamical systems in the life sciences.
In summer semester, this course is taught in an almost identical format under the title "Biosystems Modelling and Simulation" (Module 23146). Only one exam in either course is permitted. No prior knowledge of biological topics is necessary but familiarity with basic concepts from applied mathematics is expected.
Lecture Notes
This lecture in the academic calendar
Website (Tuesday)
Website (Friday)
Current Research in Systems Biology and Bioinformatics
These seminars are a mix of presentations from within the group, students, and academic visitors.
The seminar is co-organised with the group of Prof. Georg Fuellen, University Medicine Rostock.
If you are interested in attending the seminar, please contact Julia Scheel or Saptarshi Bej prior to the announced seminar.
Dates and topics
On Tuesdays 13:00 - 14:30, via Zoom
See all seminars
This lecture in the academic calender
AI Club Rostock

Weekly seminar to discuss various AI topics
We gather here our natural intelligence, to understand artificial intelligence.
Date and Place:
The seminar takes place on Fridays 9:30 am in room 410, Ulmenstraße 69, Haus 3