


From Polar Bears to People: The Role of Ethnic Genetic Variation in Thermoregulation and Heat-Related Health Risk

Baumann AA, Thiel J, Haffer N, Gupta S, Wolfien M

Position paper, presented at the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (20.-22.02.2025, Porto, Portugal)


E2F1-induced autocrine IL-6 inflammatory loop mediates cancer-immune cell crosstalk that regulates metastatic properties in melanoma

Dhar P, Singh KP, Gupta S, Peringot D, Spitschak A, Pützer BM

AACR; Cancer Res 2024;84(6_Suppl):Abstract nr 6814.


Combining uniform manifold approximation with localized affine shadowsampling improves classification of imbalanced datasets

Bej S, Srivastava P, Wolfien M, Wolkenhauer O

2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2021, pp. 1-8,


Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, and Radiomics

Papp L, Wolfien M, Ladefoged CN, Spielvogel CP

ENMG 2020 Edition - Contribution of a chapter in the "European Nuclear Medicine Guide"


Vertrauen oder Kontrolle? Meine Gesundheitsdaten und ich

Martin Scharm

Invited talk and panel discussion in the series "Vier Augen. Lebenswissenschaften in der Kontroverse" (2019)

Venue: Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald



Challenges and opportunities for system biology standards and tools in medical research

M König, A Oellrich, D Waltemath, ... O Wolkenhauer

Open Access article in Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Ontologies and Data in Life Sciences, F Loebe, M Boeker, H Herre, L Jansen, D Schober (eds.), Halle, Germany, 2016

Venue: Halle, Germany

An integrative computational framework for personalized detection of tumor epitopes in melanoma immunotherapy

Jaitly T, Schaft N, Doerrie J, Gross S, Schuler-Thurner B, Wolkenhauer O, Schuler G, Taher L, Gupta S, Vera J

PeerJ Preprints 4:e2385v1

Model Management in Systems Biology: Challenges – Approaches – Solutions

Scharm M

A talk in the FAIRDOM webinar series 2016


Extracting reproducible simulation studies from model repositories using the CombineArchive Toolkit

Scharm M and Waltemath D

Article in Proceedings of the Workshop on Data management in Life Sciences, BTW, Hamburg, germany (2015)

Venue: Hamburg, Germany


The CombineArchiveWeb Application - A Web-based Tool to Handle Files Associated with Modelling Results.

Scharm M, Wendland F, Peters M, Wolfien M, Theile T, and Waltemath D

Open Access demo paper in Proceedings of the 2014 Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for life sciences (2014)

Attribute Exploration with Proper Premises and Incomplete Knowledge Applied to the Free Radical Theory of Ageing

Wollbold J, Köhling R, Borchmann D

In: Glodeanu C, Kaytoue M, Sacarea C: Formal Concept Analysis. LNCS 8478, Springer 2014, p. 268-283.

Identifying, interpreting, and communicating changes in XML-encoded models of biological systems

Scharm M, Wolkenhauer O, and Waltemath D

Demo paper in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Data Integration in the Life Sciences, Lisbon, Portugal (2014)

Venue: Lisbon, Portugal


Predicting targets of synergistic microRNA regulation

Schmitz U, Gupta S, Lai X, Vera J, Wolkenhauer O

German Conference on Bioinformatics 2013, Göttingen, Germany

Venue: Göttingen, Germany

New candidate oncomiRs for malignant melanoma

Bhattacharya A, Schmitz U, Raatz Y, Schönherr M, Kunz M

International Investigative Dermatology (IID) in Edinburgh, UK

Venue: Edinburgh, UK

Modelling and simulation of dynamics in cells

Millat T, Wolkenhauer O

Systems Biology: From Molecules & Modeling to Cells, Gosau, Austria, 12 March - 18 March 2005

Venue: Gosau, Austria

Butyrate re-assimilation in C. acetobutylicum re-evaluated using modelling

Millat T

7th Annual SysMo-Conference, Berlin, Germany, 6 February - 8 February 2013

Venue: Berlin, Germany


Continuous states on a grid enable an efficient simulation of diffusion in environments with excluded volumes

Kossow C, Rybacki S, Millat T, Rateitschak K, Uhrmacher AM, Wolkenhauer O

Biotec Forum ''Bioinformatics and Computational Biology'', Dresden, Germany, 06 December - 07 December 2012

Venue: Dresden, Germany

Regulated Trafficking of APP by SORLA in Alzheimers Disease

Lao A, Schmidt V, Schmitz Y, Willnow T, Wolkenhauer O

Systems Medicine International Conference (SYSMED), Dublin, Ireland, 9 September - 13 September 2012

Venue: Dublin, Ireland

Mathematical Modelling of the pH-induced Metabolic Shift in C. acetobutylicum Unravels a Heterogeneous Phase Transition

Millat T

Clostridium XII, Nothingham, UK, 9 September - 12 September 2012

Venue: Nothingham, UK

The regulation of microRNA target hubs

Schmitz U, Lai X, Vera J, Wolkenhauer O

International Workshop on Small RNA in Cancer, Inflammation, and Aging, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 3 - 4 , 2012.

Venue: Copenhagen, Denmark

A systems biology approach to study the cellular function of microRNAs

Lai X, Schmitz U, Vera J, Wolkenhauer O

International Workshop on Small RNA in Cancer, Inflammation, and Aging, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 3 - 4, 2012.

Venue: Copenhagen, Denmark

Considerations of graph-based concepts to manage computational biology models and associated simulations

R Henkel, N Le Novère, O Wolkenhauer, D Waltemath

Article in Proceedings of the 2012 INFORMATIK conference, Jahrestagung der GI e.V., Braunschweig (2012).

Virtual experiments for reusable models

Cooper J, Mirams G, Slaymaker M, Simpson A, Vik JO, Waltemath D (2013)

Proceedings of the 2012 VPH Conference, London, UK.
Access to PDF version through Researchgate (or contact us for further details about the manuscript)

Venue: London, UK

Multi-compartmental modeling of APP processing influenced by SORLA in Alzheimers disease

Lao A, Schmidt V, Schmitz Y, Willnow T, Wolkenhauer O

13th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Toronto, Canada, 19 August - 23 August 2012

Venue: Toronto, Canada

The role of micro RNA regulation in the early inflammatory response: miR-146a and NFkB signaling in lung inflammation

Lai X, Schulz C, Dolniak B, Wolkenhauer O, Schmeck B, Vera J, Sittka A

Symposium on Remodeling, Repair and Regeneration in Lung Diseases, Marburg, Germany, June 21-23, 2012
Best poster award

Venue: Marburg, Germany

Efficient Two-Dimensional Pattern Matching with Scaling and Rotation and Higher-Order Interpolation

Hundt C, Wendland F (2012)

In: J. Kärkkäinen & J. Stoye (Eds.), Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM 2012), LNCS, vol. 7354, pp. 124-137. Heidelberg: Springer.

Modelling partners in crime in pancreatic cancer - Application of a cellular automaton model

Christina Kossow

Talk at Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Hochschule Wismar-University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design, Wismar, Germany, 15.03.2012

Venue: Wismar, Germany

Identification of gene-based biosignatures for radiation biodosimetry

Boldt S, Knops K, Kriehuber R, Wolkenhauer O

58. Biometrisches Kolloquium, Berlin, Germany, March 2012

Venue: Berlin, Germany


Análisis de los fenómenos de adhesión celular en los estadios tempranos de cáncer de colon mediante un modelo de lógica multi-valuada extendida

Guebel DV, Schmitz U, Wolkenhauer O, Vera J

Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 13-16 September, 2011

Venue: Buenos Aires, Argentina

The pH-induced metabolic shift from acidogenesis to solventogenesis in Clostridium acetobutylicum

Millat T

5th International Beilstein Symposium on Experimental Standard Conditions of Enzyme Characterizations, Rüdesheim, Germany, 12 September - 16 September 2011

Venue: Rüdesheim, Germany

Protein diversity of the stressosome - Stress sensitivity and Response magnitude

Liebal U, Millat T, Marles-Wright J, Lewis R, Wolkenhauer O

12th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany, 28 August - 1 September 2011

Venue: Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany

Mathematical modelling points out regulatory mechanisms of interferon-gamma induced STAT1 serine phosphorylation and MUC4 expression in pancreatic cancer cells

Kossow C, Jose D, Jaster R, Wolkenhauer O, Rateitschak K

12th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany, 28 August - 1 September 2011

Venue: Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany

Mathematical modelin of protein aggregation and transport in Alzheimer's disease

Winter F, Krohn M, Lange C, Pahnke J, Wolkenhauer O, Rateitschak K

12th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany, 28 August - 1 September 2011

Venue: Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany

Mathematical Modeling of APP Processing influenced by SORLA in Alzheimers Disease

Lao A, Schmitz Y, Schmidt V, Rateitschak K, Wolf J, Willnow T, Wolkenhauer O

12th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany, 28 August - 1 September 2011

Venue: Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany

Mathematical modelling of the Wnt pathway: the influence of nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling of beta-catenin and its antagonists APC, Axin and GSK3

Schmitz Y, Rateitschak K, Wolkenhauer O

12th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany, 28 August - 1 September 2011

Venue: Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany

On the regulation of microRNA target hubs: a Systems Biology perspective

Lai X, Schmitz U, Gupta S, Kunz M, Wolkenhauer O, Vera J

12th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany, 28 August - 1 September 2011

Venue: Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany

The role of micro RNA regulation in the early inflammatory response: miR-146a and NFkB signaling in lung inflammation

Lai X, Schulz C, Sittka A, Dolniak B, Wolkenhauer O, Schmeck B and Vera J

12th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany, 28 August - 1 September 2011

Venue: Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany

Automated analysis of flow cytometry data from heterogeneous bacterial populations

Millat T, Rubenis O, Liebal U, Wolkenhauer O, de Jong I, Kuipers O

12th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany, 28 August - 1 September 2011

Venue: Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany

Protein Diversity of the Stressosome - Stress Sensitivity and Response Magnitude

Liebal UW, Millat T, Marles-Wright J, Lewis R, Wolkenhauer O

12th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany, 28 August - 1 September 2011

Venue: Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany

Identification of radiation-specific gene expression changes in human PBL after ex vivo irradiation suitable for biodosimetric applications

Knops K, Boldt S, Wolkenhauer O, Kriehuber R

14th International Congress of Radiation Research, Warsaw, Poland, August 2011

Venue: Warsaw, Poland

Gene expression analysis in Jurkat cells after exposure to I-123-iododeoxyuridine, Gamma-rays and Alpha-particles

Unverricht-Yeboah M, Boldt S , Giesen U, Pomplun E, Wolkenhauer O, Kriehuber R

14th International Congress of Radiation Research, Warsaw, Poland, August 2011

Venue: Warsaw, Poland

Agent-based simulation of molecular processes

Pauleweit S, Nebe J B, Wolkenhauer O

SIMULTECH 2011, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, July 2011

Venue: Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands


Role of micro RNA 372 in melanoma progression

Bhattacharya A, Schmitz U, Schonherr M, Raatz Y, Kunz M

Experimental Dermatology (2011), Volume 20, Issue 2, 196.


A p-value and fold-change driven gene selection method for radiation dose prediction

Boldt S, Knops K, Kriehuber R, Wolkenhauer O

EPRBioDose, Mandelieu-La-Napoule, France, October 2010

Venue: Mandelieu-La-Napoule, France

Gene expression pattern analysis in human PBLs as a tool for radiation biodosimetry

Knops K, Boldt S, Wolkenhauer O, Kriehuber R

EPRBioDose, Mandelieu-La-Napoule, France, October 2010

Venue: Mandelieu-La-Napoule, France

An extensive Boolean network for analysing the signalling events in early stages of humen colon cancer

Guebel DV, Schmitz U, Wolkenhauer O, Vera J

11th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Edinburgh, UK, October 2010.

Venue: Edinburgh, UK

The dynamics of the phosphorelay and the initiation of sporulation in Bacillus subtilis - a systematic study

Millat, Liebal U, Wolkenhauer O, de Jong I, Kuipers O

11th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Edinburgh, UK, 10 October - 15 October 2010

Venue: Edinburgh, UK

Systems Biology of Clostridium acetobutylicum and the Optimization of Butanol Production

Jabbari S, Haus S, Millat T, Wolkenhauer O, King JR

11th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Edinburgh, UK, 10 October - 15 October 2010

Venue: Edinburgh, UK

Modelling the pH-dependent metabolic shift in Clostridum acetobutylicum

Thomas Millat, Sylvia Haus, Olaf Wolkenhauer, Ralf-Jörg Fischer, Holger Janssen, Hubert Bahl, Sara Jabari, John King

11th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Edinburgh, UK, 10-15 October 2010

Venue: Edinburgh, UK

How integrals over dynamic signals can unravel characteristic properties of signal transduction pathways

Thomas Millat, Simone Frey, Olaf Wolkenhauer

11th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Edinburgh, UK, 10-15 October 2010

Venue: Edinburgh, UK

Modelling the pH-dependent metabolic shift in Clostridum acetobutylicum

Millat T, Haus S, Wolkenhauer O, Fischer RJ, Janssen H, Bahl H, Jabari S, King J

11th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Edinburgh, UK, 10 October - 15 October 2010

Venue: Edinburgh, UK

A mathematical analysis of nuclear intensity dynamics for Mig1-GFP under consideration of bleaching effects and background noise in S. cerevisiae

Simone Frey, Kristin Sott, Maria Smedh, Thomas Millat, Peter Dahl, Olaf Wolkenhauer, Mattias Goksör

11th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Edinburgh, UK, 10-15 October 2010

Venue: Edinburgh, UK

Mathematical modelling of nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling of beta-catenin and its antagonist APC

Schmitz Y, Wolkenhauer O, Rateitschak K

11th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Edinburgh, UK, 10-15 October 2010

Venue: Edinburgh, UK

Interferon gamma stimulated STAT1 signalling in pancreatic stellate cells: From experimental data to mathematical models, Workshop "Modelling in BioMedicine"

Rateitschak K, Lange F, Fitzner B, Wolkenhauer O, Jaster R

11th International Conference on Systems Biology, Edinburgh, UK, 10.10.-15.10.2010

Venue: Edinburgh, UK

Analysis and simulation of electrical interactions of implants with biosystems

van Rienen U, Appali R, Bader R, Baumann W, Beck U, Behrend D, Benecke R, Biala K, Birkholz H, Burkel E, Engel K, Ewald H, Gimsa J, Gimsa U, Gongadze E, Grünbaum A, Haba Y, Liese F, Liu B, Lüder M, Pauleweit S, Mittelmeier W, Mix E, Nebe JB,....[+12]

44. DGBMT Jahrestagung, Rostock, Germany, 05-08 October 2010

Venue: Rostock, Germany

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see program for the full list of authors: DGBMT program

MicroRNAs in malignant melanoma progression

Schmitz U, Bhattacharya A, Gupta S, Schultz J, Kunz M, Wolkenhauer O

German Conference on Bioinformatics, Braunschweig, Germany, September 2010

Venue: Braunschweig, Germany

Radiation responsive genes in human lymphocytes as a tool for radiation biodosimetry

Knops K, Boldt S, Wolkenhauer O, Kriehuber R

GBS Tagung, Hamburg, Germany, September 2010

Venue: Hamburg, Germany

A stem cell niche dominance theorem

Wolkenhauer O, Shibata D, Mesarovic MD

(PGSSCR 2010-O-057) 010 Vol. 6 (2): p36 JSRM Code: 006020700063

Mathematical modelling of APP processing influenced by SORLA in Alzheimer's disease

Schmidt V, Lao A, Rateitschak K, Wolkenhauer O, Willnow T

Honolulu, Hawaii, 10.07-15.07.2010

Venue: Honolulu, Hawaii

Quantitative analysis of the SNF1-pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Garcia-Salcedo R, Frey S, Beltran G, Bosch D, Elbing K, Tian Y, Manchala S, Rateitschak K, Wolkenhauer O, Hohmann S

35thFEBS Congress 2010, Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden. June 26 - July 1, 2010

Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden

Quantitative analysis of the SNF1-pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Garcia-Salcedo R, Frey S, Beltran G, Bosch D, Elbing K, Tian Y, Manchala S, Rateitschak K, Wolkenhauer O, Hohmann S

35thFEBS Congress 2010, Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden. June 26 - July 1, 2010

Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden

Interferon gamma stimulated STAT1 signalling in pancreatic stellate cells: From experimental data to mathematical models

Rateitschak K, Lange F, Fitzner B, Wolkenhauer O, Jaster R

Conference on Systems Biology of Mammalian Cells-SBMC2010, Freiburg, Germany, 3-5 June 2010

Venue: Freiburg, Germany

Modeling miRNA regulation in signaling networks: miR-34a regulation of p53/Sirt1 module

Lai X, Vera J, Wolkenhauer O

Conference on Systems Biology of Mammalian Cells-SBMC2010, Freiburg, Germany, 3-5 June 2010

Venue: Freiburg, Germany

Local Genomic Properties as Indicators of Functional Elements

Raasch P, Schmitz U, Patenge N, Vera J, Kreikemeyer B, Wolkenhauer O

3. Gemeinsame Tagung der DGHM und der VAAM, Hannover, Germany, 28.03.-31.03.2010

Venue: Hannover, Germany

Using a modelling approach to elucidate unexpected reporter gene signals for sigmaB activity in B. Subtilis

Liebal U, Sappa PK, Millat T, Steil L, Völker U, Wolkenhauer O

Conference on Systems Biology of Microorganisms, Paris, France, 22 March - 24 March 2010

Venue: Paris, France

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Mathematical modelling of APP processing influenced by SORLA in Alzheimer's disease

Lao A, Schmidt V, Rateitschak K, Wolkenhauer O, Willnow T

Mid-term review of the Helmholtz Alliance on Systems Biology, DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany, 13.01.-14.01.2010

Venue: Heidelberg, Germany


Charakterisierung intrazellulärer Signalwege in pankreatischen Sternzellen mit Hilfe mathematischer Modellierung

Lange F, Fitzner B, Jaster R, Karger A, Wolkenhauer O, Rateitschak K

30. Jahrestagung des Deutschen Pankreasclub, Heidelberg, Germany, November 2009

Venue: Heidelberg, Germany

Protein networks controlling amyloidogenic processing

Willnow T, Schmidt V, Lao A, Rateitschak K, Wolkenhauer O

Second status seminar and meeting of the advisory board of the Helmholtz Alliance on Systems Biology, DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany, 26.10.-27.10.2009

Venue: Heidelberg, Germany

A Data Analysis Workflow for the Identification of Expression Signatures Functioning as Molecular Biodosimeters

Boldt S, Knops K, Kriehuber R, Wolkenhauer O

German Conference of Bioinformatics, Halle (Saale), Germany, September 2009

Venue: Halle (Saale), Germany

A multi-level model accounting for the effects of JAK2-STAT5 signal modulation in erythropoiesis

Lai X, Nikolov S, Wolkenhauer O, Vera J

The 2009 International Workshop on "Computational and Integrative Biology" (CIB 2009), Hangzhou, China, 18.09.-20.09.2009

Venue: Hangzhou, China

Interferon gamma stimulated Stat1 signaling pathway in pancreatic stellate cells: From experimental data to mathematical models

Rateitschak K, Karger A, Fitzner B, Lange F, Wolkenhauer O, Jaster R

4. ESCEC Symposium, Rüdesheim, Germany, 09.2009

Venue: Rüdesheim, Germany

Gene Expression pattern analysis as a tool for radiation biodosimetry

Knops K, Boldt S, Wolkenhauer O, Kriehuber R

ERRS, Prague, Czech Republic, August 2009

Venue: Prague, Czech Republic

Systems Biology - How Modelling and Simulation improve our understanding of complex biological systems

Millat T

Systems Biology of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Kuopio, Finland, 16 June - 18 June 2009

Venue: Kuopio, Finland

Interferon gamma stimulated Stat1 signaling pathway in pancreatic stellate cells: From experimental data to mathematical models

Rateitschak K, Karger A, Fitzner B, Lange F, Wolkenhauer O, Jaster R

Transatlantic Summer School Cancer Systems Biology, Rostock, Germany, June 2009

Venue: Rostock, Germany

Interferon gamma stimulated Stat1 signaling pathway in pancreatic stellate cells: From experimental data to mathematical models

Rateitschak K, Karger A, Fitzner B, Lange F, Wolkenhauer O, Jaster R

German Symposium on Systems Biology, Heidelberg, Germany, May 2009

Venue: Heidelberg, Germany

Systems Approaches in Molecular and Cell Biology: Making Sense out of Data, Providing Meaning to Models

Wolkenhauer O, Lao A, Omholt S, Martens H

Independent Component Analysis, Wavelets, Neural Networks, Biosystems and Nanoengineering VII, Orlando, USA, 13.04.2009

DOI: 10.1117/12.822742

Venue: Orlando, USA

Mathematical modelling of APP processing influenced by SORLA in Alzheimer's disease

Lao A, Schmidt V, Rateitschak K, Willnow T, Wolkenhauer O

Spring school 2009 on Systems Biology, Kloster Seeon, Germany, 06.04.-09.04.2009

Venue: Kloster Seeon, Germany

Dynamic Motifs in Pathway Modelling

Millat T

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology
Institute (GBB), Department of Genetics, Molecular Genetics, Haren, The Netherlands, 3 April 2009

Venue: Haren, The Netherlands


Detecting Differential Gene Expression in ALL Cell Lines Treated with the Multikinase Inhibitor Sorafenib

Boldt, Glass, Schult, Junghanß, Wolkenhauer

Systems Biology for Medical Applications, Summer School, Costa Adeje, Soain, 30 October 2008

Venue: Costa Adeje, Soain

A JAVA framework to integrate ncRNA detection methods

Raasch P, Schmitz U, Kreikemeyer B, Wolkenhauer O

Systems Biology for Medical Applications Summer School, Costa Adeje, Spain, 30 October 2008

Venue: Costa Adeje, Spain

Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Cellular Processes

Wolkenhauer O, Millat T

Vorlesungsreihe Biosystem-Material-Interaktion an der Interdisziplinären
Fakultät der Universität Rostock, Rostock, Germany, 27 October 2008

Venue: Rostock, Germany

Sorafenib inhibits proliferation in B- and T- Lymphoblastic cell lines via the PI3k/AKT Pathway

Schult C, Dahlhaus M, Glass A, Boldt S, Ruck S, Sawitzky M, Lange M, Amoroso F, Freund M, Neri L, Junghanss C

Ash, San Francisco, USA, 2008

Venue: San Francisco, USA

Use of sensitivity analysis to detect critical biochemical processes in a mathematical model linking intracellular and cell population dynamics in erythropoiesis

Lai X, Liebal U, Nikolov S, Wolkenhauer O, Vera J

The 6th Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (CMSB), Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, October 2008

Venue: Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany

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Software Supporting Collaborations

Stefan Pauleweit

Summer School on Systems Biology for Medical Applications, Tenerife, Spain, 30.09.-02.10.2008

Venue: Tenerife, Spain

Elucidating the role of nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling of beta-catenin antagonists by mathematical modelling

Schmitz Y, Bader BM, Weiss DG, Wolkenhauer O, Rateitschak K

Summer School on Systems Biology for Medical Applications, Tenerife, Spain, 30.09.-02.10.2008

Venue: Tenerife, Spain

Analysis of a Model of sigB Activation Following Glucose Starvation

Liebal U, Millat T, Wolkenhauer O, Sappa PK, Steil L, Völker U

10th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Stanford, USA, 30 August -4 September 2009

Venue: Stanford, USA

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The Metabolic Shift of Clostridium acetobutylicum - The Role of pH-Dependent Enzyme Activities

Millat T, Haus S, Wolkenhauer O, Fischer RJ, Janssen H, Bahl H

10th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Stanford, USA, 30 August - 4 September 2009

Venue: Stanford, USA

The Effect of pH on the Metabolic Shift in AB Fermentation in Clostridium acetobutylicum

Haus S, Jabbari S, Millat T, Wolkenhauer O, King JR

10th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Stanford, USA, 30 August - 4 September 2009

Venue: Stanford, USA

Dynamic Behavior Determines the Design Strategy of Metabolic Regulation Networks

Liebal U, Kim JR, Wolkenhauer O, Cho KH

10th International Conference on Systems Biology, Stanford, USA, 30.8.-4.09.2009

Venue: Stanford, USA

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Modular education for interdisciplinary Systems Biology

Stalidzans E, Mozga I, Roos C, Fernandez E, Font J, Vanags J, Remm M, Schmitz U, Wolkenhauer O

9th International Conference on Systems Biology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2008.

Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden

COSMIC - Systems biology of Clostridium acetobutylicim - A possible answer to dwindling crude oil reserves

Millat T, COSMIC consortium

9th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Gothenborg, Sweden, 23 August - 27 August 2008

Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden

Modeling of ABE Fermentation in Clostridium acetobutylicum

Haus S, Millat T, Wolkenhauer O

9th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden, 23 August - 28 August 2008

Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden

How Quantitative Measures unravel Design Principles in multi-stage Phosphorylation Cascades

Frey S, Millat T, Hohmann S, Wolkenhauer O

9th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden, 23 August - 28 August 2008

Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden

The Role of Dynamic Stimulation Pattern in the Analysis of Bistable Intracellular Systems

Millat T, Sreenath SN, Soebiyanto RP, Avva J, Cho KH, Wolkenhauer O

9th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden, 23 August - 28 August 2008

Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden

Threshold properties of Interferon-gamma stimulated Jak2-Stat1 signaling in pancreatic stellate cells: From experimental data to mathematical models

Karger A, Rateitschak K, Fitzner B, Wolkenhauer O, Jaster R

2nd International workshop on systems biology, Hamilton, Ireland, August 2008

Venue: Hamilton, Ireland

A power-law model to describe the aggregation of Beta-Amyloid and its transport across the Blood-Brain barrier based on quantitative data from Alzheimer mouse models

Winter F, Krohn M, Lange C, Wolkenhauer O, Rateitschak K, Pahnke J

2nd International workshop on systems biology, Hamilton, Ireland, August 2008

Venue: Hamilton, Ireland

Modelling Snf1 regulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Frey S, Schmidt H, Rateitschak K, Beltran G, Garcia-Salcedo R, Elbing K, Bosch D, Ye T, Hohmann S, Wolkenhauer O

9th International Conference on Systems Biology, Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden, August 2008

Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden

A Mathematical Model of the Regulation of AMPK Activation

Bittig A, Carling D, Wolkenhauer O

9th International Conference on Systems Biology, Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden, August 2008

Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden

Hierarchical Modelling of Metabolism: From Methodology to Application

Schmidt H

9th International Conference on Systems Biology, Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden, August 2008

Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden

A new tool for parameter estimation in nonlinear dynamic biological systems using global optimization

Egea JA, Schmidt H, Banga JR

9th International Conference on Systems Biology, Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden, August 2008

Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden

Sensitivity Analysis based Adaptive Search-Space Reduction for Parameter Estimation Applications

Liebal U, Schmidt H

9th International Conference on Systems Biology, Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden, August 2008

Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden

Format Overflow? Handling of Modeling Projects in Systems Biology

Bittig A, Schmidt H

9th International Conference on Systems Biology, Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden, August 2008

Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden

Computational Systems Biology of Cell Signalling - COSBICS

Wolkenhauer, O, Vera J

9th International Conference on Systems Biology, Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden, August 2008

Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden

Dynamic modeling of phototransduction biochemistry in vertebrate rods: from dark/light adaptation to disease

Dell'Orco D, Fanelli F, Schmidt H

9th International Conference on Systems Biology, Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden, August 2008

Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden

pH-Dependent Modelling of ABE Fermentation in Clostridium acetobutylicum

Haus S, Millat T, Wolkenhauer O

SysMo Evaluation Conference, Bad Honnef, Germany, 1 July - 2 July 2008

Venue: Bad Honnef, Germany

Modelling Aspects of Stress Response mediated by sigB

Liebal UW, Hildisch H, Millat T, Völker U, Wolkenhauer O

SysMo Evaluation Conference, Bad Honnef, Germany, 1 July - 2 July 2008

Venue: Bad Honnef, Germany

Quantitative 3D image analysis to study the beta-catenin translocation during differentiation of human neural progenitor cells

Bader BM, Schmitz Y, Redlich B, Rateitschak K, Wolkenhauer O, Weiss DG

2nd International Congress on Stem Cells and Tissue Formation, Dresden, Germany, July 2008

Venue: Dresden, Germany

Mathematical modeling of neurodegenerative processes in alzheimer's diesease

Rateitschak K, Schmidt V, Carlo AS, Sporbertm A, Lao A, Wolkenhauer O, Willnow T

First status seminar of the Helmholtz alliance on systems biology. Potsdam, Germany, June 2008

Venue: Potsdam, Germany

Nonlinear dynamics of biochemical networks in pancreatic cancer: From experimental data to mathematical models

Rateitschak K, Karger A, Fitzner B, Wolkenhauer O, Jaster R

First FORSYS symposium. Berlin, Germany, June 2008

Venue: Berlin, Germany

Thresholds in transient dynamics of signal transduction pathways

Rateitschak K, Wolkenhauer O

Cancer workshop, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, January 2008

Venue: Nottingham, UK


Exploring cell signalling homodimer receptor-homodimer protein interactions and their dynamical consequences

Vera J, Millat T, Kwon T, Schmitz U, Wolkenhauer O

German Conference on Bioinformatics, Potsdam, Germany, 26 September - 28 September 2007

Venue: Potsdam, Germany

Thresholds in transient dynamics of signal transduction pathways

Rateitschak K, Wolkenhauer O

Joint Receptor Tyrosine Kinase (RTK) Consortium & British Society for Proteome Research/European Bioinformatics Institute Workshop, Hinxton Hall Conference Centre Cambridge, UK, 23-24 July 2007

Venue: Cambridge, UK

Von der Notwendigkeit der mathematischen Modellierung in den Biowissenschaften

Wolkenhauer O, Millat T, Assmuss, H

Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung - Modellierung und Simulation - Techniken und gesellschaftliche Implikationen, Rostock, Germany, 19 April 2007

Venue: Rostock, Germany

Bistable Systems - a dynamic view

Millat T

Winter School on Systems Biology for Medical Applications, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, 26 February - 2 March 2007

Venue: Tenerife, Spain


A principal limitation of virtual cell simulations using differential equation models

Wolkenhauer O, Bittig A, Hofmeyr J

Winter Simulation Conference (WSC '06), December 2006

Quantitative measures to characterize properties of signal transduction pathways

Frey S, Millat T, Rateitschak K, Wolkenhauer O

Winter Simulation Conference (WSC '06), December 2006

Tresholds in transient dynamics of signal transduction pathways

Rateitschak K, Wolkenhauer O

Proc. ICSB 2006, Yokohama, Japan, 2006

Venue: Yokohama, Japan

Modelling of negative feedback loops regulating the JAK2/STAT5 signal transduction pathway

Bachmann J, Fleck C, Maiwald T, Vera J, Wolkenhauer O, Timmer J, Klingmüller U

Proc. ICSB 2006, Yokohama, Japan, 2006

Venue: Yokohama, Japan

A power-law model with delay to describe the dynamic behaviour of Jak2-Stat5 pathway: from the modelling strategy to the analysis of the properties

Vera J, Bachmann J, Pfeifer A, Hormiga JA, Torres Darias NV, Klingmüller U, Wolkenhauer O

1st International Symposium on Systems Biology: From genomes to in silico and back. Murcia, Spain, June 2006

Venue: Murcia, Spain


From Networks to Systems to Complex Systems: A Signaling Pathway Coordination Case Study

Soebiyanto RP, Sreenath SN, Mesarovic MD, Wolkenhauer O

44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference ECC 2005, Seville, Spain, 12-15 December 2005

Venue: Seville, Spain

Huntingtin and its Interaction Network: A Computer Model

Assmus H, Wolkenhauer O

Bmb+f NGFN II conference, Bonn, Germany, November 2005

Venue: Bonn, Germany

A Pledge for more theory in cell signalling experiments: when fishing for drug targets is not sufficient

Wolkenhauer O

Ernst Schering Foundation Workshop "Systems Biology - Applications and Perspectives". Berkeley, USA, November 2005

Venue: Berkeley, USA

Steady state - limit cycle - steady state transitions in gene transcription networks with distributed time delay

Rateitschak K, Wolkenhauer O

International Conference for Systems Biology (ICSB), Boston, USA, October 2005

Venue: Boston, USA,

What is required for a successful molecular fishing expedition?

Wolkenhauer O

2nd ESF Functional Genomics and Disease Conference, Oslo, Sweden, September 2005

Venue: Oslo, Sweden

A fully Bayesian model to cluster gene expression profiles

Vogl C, Sanchez-Cabo F, Stocker G, Hubbard S, Wolkenhauer O, Trajanoski Z


From Experiments to Models: Assumptions, Approximations and their Consequences

Millat T

SYMBIONIC 2005, Course on Methods, Data Handling and Standards in Neuronal Systems Biology, Trieste, Italy, 31 August - 3 September 2005

Venue: Trieste, Italy

Dynamics Motifs in Pathway Modelling

Millat T

SYMBIONIC 2005, Course on Methods, Data Handling and Standards in Neuronal Systems Biology, Trieste, Italy, 31 August - 3 September 2005

Venue: Trieste, Italy

Towards a Systems Understanding of the Cerebral Motor Circuit

Wellstead P, Mason O, O'Connor WT, Cho KH, Bullinger E, Wolkenhauer O, Duncan S

Foundations of Systems Biology and Engineering (FOSBE), UCSB, August 2005

Multilevel, hierarchical systems paradigm of Systems Biology

Mesarovic M, Sreenath SN, Wolkenhauer O

Foundations of Systems Biology and Engineering (FOSBE), UCSB, August 2005

The Systems in Systems Biology

Wolkenhauer O

2nd Systems Biology conference, Maynooth, Ireland, August 2005

There is nothing more practical than a good theory

Wolkenhauer O

Complexity, Stellenbosch, South Africa, June 2005

Venue: Stellenbosch, South Africa

The Role of Theory, Modelling and Simulation in Systems Biology

Wolkenhauer O, Ullah M

Towards a Philosophy of Systems Biology, Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 2005

Venue: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Web Corpus Mining by Instance of Wikipedia, to appear

Gleim R, Mehler A, Dehmer M

Proceedings of the EACL 2006 Workshop on Web as Corpus, Trento, Italy, 03.04.-07.04.2006

Venue: Trento, Italy

Assumptions in Dynamic Modelling of Biochemical Networks and their Consequences

Millat T, Wolkenhauer O

FEBS Systems Biology Workshop, Gosau, Austria, March 2005

Venue: Gosau, Austria,

The role of feedback in the control and regulation of intracellular networks

Wolkenhauer O, Ullah M

Biochemical Society, Sheffield, UK, January 2005

Venue: Sheffield, UK


A novel statistical approach in comparative genomics to reveal new immunogenic antigens in M. Bovis

Kutalik Z, Razaz M, Inwald J, Gordon SV, Wolkenhauer O

1st International Conference on Basic and Clinical Immunogenomics, Budapest, Hungary, 03-07 October 2004

Venue: Budapest, Hungary

Modeling and Analysis of Two Feedback Loop Dynamics in Ras/Raf-1/MEK/ERK Signaling Pathway

Cho KH, Shin SY, Kolch W, Wolkenhauer O

International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB) 2004, Heidelberg, Germany, October 2004

Venue: Heidelberg, Germany

A System-Theoretic Modeling Framework for Cellular Processes

Cho KH, Johansson KH, Wolkenhauer O

International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB) 2004, Heidelberg, Germany, October 2004

Choosing an appropriate modelling framework: How deterministic are random processes?

Ullah M, Cho KH, Kolch W, Wolkenhauer O

International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB) 2004, Heidelberg, Germany, October 2004

Modelling gene expression time-series with radial basis function neural networks

Möller-Levet CS, Yin H, Cho KH, Wolkenhauer O

IEEE Int. Conf. on Neural Networks. Conf. Proc. 2, 1191-1195, 2004

A Fully Bayesian Model to Cluster Gene Expression Profiles

Sanchez-Cabo F, Hackl H, Hubbard S, Stocker G, Trajanoski Z, Wolkenhauer O, Vogl C

Intelligent Systems in Molecular Biology (ISMB), July 2004

Dynamic Pathway Modelling

Wolkenhauer O

Proceeding of the Sixteenth International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), July 2004


Mathematical Modeling of Ras/Raf-1/MEK/ERK Signal Pathway: Qualitative Analysis of the Positive Feedback Mechanism

Cho KH, Shin SY, Kolch W, Wolkenhauer O

ICSB2003, St. Louis, USA

Venue: St. Louis, USA

Dynamic Pathway Modelling: from models to cells

Wolkenhauer O, Kolch W, Cho KH

Proceeding of the 3rd Workshop on Computation of Biochemical Pathways and Genetic Networks. 6-7 October 2003

Fuzzy clustering of short time series and unevenly distributed sampling points

Möller-Levet C, Klawonn F, Cho KH, Wolkenhauer O

IDA'2003, August 2003

A Graphical User Interface to Normalize Microarray Data

Sanchez-Cabo F, Trajanoski Z, Cho KH, Wolkenhauer O

DSC'2003, March 2003

Simulation Study of the TNF Mediated NF- B Signaling Pathway

Cho KH, Shin SY, Lee HW, Wolkenhauer O

CSMB'2003, LNCS 2602, page 171, Springer Verlag

How to Synthesize an Optimized Genetic l-Switching System? A System-Theoretic Approach Based on SQP

Cho KH, Cha JH, Wolkenhauer O

CSMB'2003, page 170, LNCS 2602, Springer Verlag


Investigations in the Analysis and Modelling of the TNFalpha Mediated NF-kappaB Signaling Pathway

Cho KH, Shin SY, Lee HW, Wolkenhauer O

ICSB2002, Stockholm, Sweden, 2002

Venue: Stockholm, Sweden

Fuzzy Clustering and Classification for Automated Leak Detection Systems

Taillefond N, Wolkenhauer O

IFAC'2002 Proceedings, Barcelona, Spain, 2002

Venue: Barcelona, Spain


Random Sets and Histograms

Nunez-Garcia J, Wolkenhauer O

Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 2, Melbourne, Australia, December 2001

Venue: Melbourne, Australia


An Introduction to Fuzzy Systems

Babuska R, Wolkenhauer O

UK Control 2000, Cambridge, UK, 2000

Venue: Cambridge, UK

Fuzzy Systems Identification and Control

Babuska R, Wolkenhauer O

UK Control 2000, Cambridge, UK, 2000

Venue: Cambridge, UK

Fuzzy Relational Biology: A Factor-Space Approach to Genome Analysis

Wolkenhauer O, Babuska R

Computation in Cells, pages 53-58, April 2000


A Random Sets Statistical Approach to Systems Identification

Wolkenhauer O, Garcia-Sanz M

AIDA'99, pages 388-392, June 1999


An Adaptable Maintenance Model Using a Fuzzy System and Possibility Theory

Wolkenhauer O, Labib AW

EUFIT'98, pages 1570-1573, September 1998


Local Uncertainty Models for the Analysis of Time Series Data

Wolkenhauer O, Edmunds J

EUFIT'97, pages 1774-1778, September 1997

On the Combination of Probabilistic and Fuzzy Concepts in Signal-based Data Analysis

Wolkenhauer O

EUFIT'97, pages 1279-1283, September 1997

Qualitative Uncertainty Models using Random Set Theory

Wolkenhauer O, Edmunds J

IDA'97, pages 609-620, August 1997


Possibilistic Change Detection: The Onset of Oscillations

Wolkenhauer O

EUFIT'96, pages 1610-1613, September 1996

Dynamic Reliability Evaluation and Performance Monitoring

Wolkenhauer O

EUFIT'96, pages 951-955, September 1996