Christian Krienke

I am interested in bringing patients and their health data together.

Research Students (from 2017-06-01 until 2018-03-31)

Research interest

Our idea is KNOWYODA.

Digitization is one of the challenges of our time. Also in the field of health care. KNOWYODA provides tools to manage health data for the private user. I am specifically working on an app for smartphones that allows patients to manage their own data. Currently, I am working on the creation of a concept, a user-friendly interface and the safe storage of the data on the smartphone.


Research Projects

KNOWYODA: KNow and OWn YOur DAta

KNOWYODA delivers high quality tools to manage and analyse health data for the private user. KNOWYODA is a secure, personal, digital memory focussing on health related data. We develop cutting edge methodologies to support patients and the public visualise and interpret their data.


Academic background

2014 – present

Bachelor degree in Medical Informatic and Biomedical Technic
University of Stralsund, Stralsund, Germany


Other Interests and Activities

photography landscapes, nature