SBI – Department of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics
Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
University of Rostock
Ulmenstrasse 69 | 18057 Rostock
+49 381 498-7571

KNOWYODA: KNow and OWn YOur DAta
KNOWYODA delivers high quality tools to manage and analyse health data for the private user. KNOWYODA is a secure, personal, digital memory focussing on health related data. We develop cutting edge methodologies to support patients and the public visualise and interpret their data.
Technological advances are changing medicine, allowing doctors and clinicians to generate a more comprehensive picture of a patients status. Using our experience in data science, uncertainty handling in particular, we are developing advanced tools for data visualisation and analysis.
While national and international programmes are under way to gather and manage patient data in clinics and with electronic health records, our motivation is to support the private user and future patient with tools that give full control over their data.
Our philosophy is build upon three principles:
Take your health, into your hands!
- Using smartphone technologies, we provide fast and flexible data entry using one-click image snap-scan technology.
- Take snapshots of your doctor’s test results, prescriptions.
- Track conditions and symptoms with tailor made data entry forms.
Keep your health data, where they belong - with you!
- Secure and reliable data storage solution using the latest AES encryption technology.
- Have your data readily available in case of accidents and emergencies.
- Document disease onset and progression to share this information with your doctor.
Be informed, so that you can inform the doctor!
- Keep emergency information ready and with you.
- Visualise data, identify pattern and find relevant information.
- Provide health specialists with precise and comprehensive information.
With KNOWYODA, doctors and clinics benefit from more comprehensive and accurate information. If patients decide to support health research, they can control who to share information with and what. Patient engagement can potentially transform medical research, making a direct contribution to research that improves the diagnosis, prognosis and therapy of diseases.