2011 - current
PhD student
Systems Biology and Bioinformatics
University of Rostock, Germany 2011
Assistent in the Project Moritz Schlick Gesamtausgabe. Nachlass und Korrespondenz
University of Rostock, Germany 2009-2010
Assistent in the Project of Excellence Transformation wissenschaftlichen Wissens in den Lebenswissenschaften: Das Verständnis der lebenden Zelle im Wandel
Institute for Biological Sciences
University of Rostock, Germany 2007-2009
Master of Arts (Philosophy of Knowledge and Science)
TU Berlin, Germany 2005-2007
Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy and Religious Studies)
University of Rostock, Germany 2003-2005
Studies in Computer Sciences (no degree)
University of Rostock, Germany
Former Publications
Tobias Breidenmoser, Fynn Ole Engler, Günther Jirikowski, Michael Pohl and Dieter G. Weiss - Transformation of Scientific Knowledge in Biology: Changes in our Understanding of the Living Cell through Microscopic Imaging