Orell Trautmann

Research interest

My field of research is mainly related to the inspiring world of systems biology. Currently, I am focusing on network modelling for drug-target interactions and disease map networks. A project example of this topic is the dynamics analysis of Boolean networks for non-alcoholic-fatty-liver disease and computationally determining best drug candidates to specific diseases.

Furthermore, I am also interested in machine learning models. Hybrid models using methods from dynamical systems theory in combination with supervised machine learning models show promising results when compared with unsupervised models. However, this field of research will require intensive research in the future.

Education and Work Experience

2023 – Today

Research and teaching assistant at the Department for Systems Biology and Bioinformatics
University of Rostock, Germany

2022 – 2023

Master 2 studies in Mathematics
Focus: stochastic calculus, Markov processes and machine learning
Sorbonne University Paris, France

2019 – 2022

M. Sc. Mathematics
Focus: partial differential equations and optimal control theory
Technical University Berlin, Germany


Student Assistant
Fraunhofer IGP: Modelling with measurement data
Rostock, Germany

2014 – 2019

B. Sc. Mathematics
Focus: functional analysis, with a minor in theoretical physics
University of Rostock, Germany

2012 – 2014

International Baccalaureate (Bilingual Diploma English / German)
Higher Levels: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
International School of Berne, Switzerland