Arne Bittig

PhD Students (from 2006-01-01 until 2009-12-31)

Academic background

2006 - 2009 PhD-Student in Systems Biology and Bioinformatics
University of Rostock, Rostock/Germany
2001 - 2006 Diplom in Computer Science
(Dipl. Inf., comparable to a masters degree)
University of Rostock, Rostock/Germany


Selected publications

A Mathematical Model of the Regulation of AMPK Activation

Bittig A, Carling D, Wolkenhauer O

9th International Conference on Systems Biology, Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden, August 2008

Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden

Format Overflow? Handling of Modeling Projects in Systems Biology

Bittig A, Schmidt H

9th International Conference on Systems Biology, Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden, August 2008

Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden

A principal limitation of virtual cell simulations using differential equation models

Wolkenhauer O, Bittig A, Hofmeyr J

Winter Simulation Conference (WSC '06), December 2006

Combined Visualisation of Pathway and Protein-Protein Interaction Data

Bittig A


Detektion charakteristischer Muster in Proteininteraktionsnetzwerken

Bittig A